***New Thurlaston Chronicle***
For the latest Edition Click Here
The Parish council have received information that the land on coventry road is applying to be considered for MORE warehouses. Currently the council are reviewing the documents and are in contact with the RBC for further information. Whilst we can appreciate there is a lot of speculation at present nothing has been confirmed or proposed officially to Thurlaston Parish Council.
Update January 2025 - No further development has been communicated to the PC.
Parish Council Meetings
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be at 7:00pm on Monday 13th January 2025 in the Thurlaston Village Hall. Members of the public may make representations according to the Council’s Standing Orders within the Parish Council Meeting under item 5 from 7.15pm onwards for a time period of no more than 5 minutes. Members of the public who wish to contribute are requested to let the Parish Clerk know prior to the meeting.
For future dates & meetings please click here
Poors Plot Charity
Charity details were updated during March 2023. Trustees are happy to make a grant of £300 available to any young person of the Thurlaston parish when they finish full time education to help with the cost of their further education.
Applications are usually considered at the next committee meeting of the Trustees. These occur approximately twice per year usually in March and September. Applications must be sent to the Secretary at least one week prior to the date of the meeting at which it will be discussed. A grant application form is available on this website for making requests.
Please do not contact the Parish Clerk in relation to booking the Village Hall. Please see the contact details in the Village Hall page.
Planning Applications Database
As of August 2021 all Planning applications which have been assessed by the Parish Council are located under the Planning section of the website. This includes representations relevant to the Rugby Local Plan.
Community Defibrillator
The website now contains information on how to use the community defibrillator which is located in the old telephone kiosk on Main Street. To some degree this helps with villager training given this has not been possible during the Coronavirus pandemic.